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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

"Confrontation Canyon serves as a training ground for Axon forces, improving unit readiness by providing highly realistic, stressful training across the full spectrum of infantry and mechanized conflict. It is the premiere facility for heavy armor training, and all forces must complete courses here before assignment to a Leviathan unit."
Map description

WAR-Confrontation is a Warfare map from Unreal Tournament 3. It's available for PC and PlayStation 3 as part of the Titan Pack DLC/Black Edition of the game.

Map description[]


Keyguide for the Default link setup by KurlonT.

A huge map, the biggest in the game, taking place in training grounds inside of a canyon. The two bases are located at the south of the map, and each of them has the Power Core at the end of very large tunnels. The map has two main choke points: one of them is the Bridge Node, which grants its owner access to the enemy Power Core, and the Air Node, which provides the Manta and starts a 60-second countdown; should the countdown reach the end, the Leviathan is spawned at the owner team's base, and the Air Node can't be reclaimed again until the Leviathan is destroyed.

There's a separate node at the south of the Air Node, which grants the Eradicator and the Goliath tank.

Link Setups[]

  • [Regular]: The Blue/Red Power Core is connected to the Bridge Node. The South Node and Air Node act as support nodes.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: 8
A: 4
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 2
A: 4
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 4
Weapon: -
W: 13
Weapon: [See below]

Weapon Lockers[]

Items Count Location
Shock RifleLink GunRocket Launcher
7 -
Shock RifleLink GunFlak Cannon
5 -
Link GunStinger MinigunRocket Launcher
1 -


Pickup Count Location
Key items

(*) Rows marked in red are required for the "Like the back of my hand" achievement.


Vehicle Count Location

Tips and tricks[]

  • Only three things can reach high enough to damage a Power Core in this map: Titans, the Redeemer and the Leviathan.


Preview notes[]

"WAR-Confrontation is the game's biggest map. A central Prime Node controls access to the enemy's Core, though individual players will be hard-pressed to reach or damage them due to their positioning down lengthy tunnels. Instead, secondary Cores grant access to Leviathans stored behind impenetrable doors located by each team's spawn. Successfully driving to the enemy's base and deploying the Ion Cannon in front of the Core requires co-ordination from the entire team, and support from other vehicles, all the while defending the access Node. Of special use on Confrontation is the StealthBender, a Hellbender retrofitted with Nightshade stealth technology. The Stealthbender comes equipped with an X-Ray Field, EMP Mine, Spider mines, and a Link Station, a new deployable that emits arcs of Link Gun energy that strike the ground in a manner not dissimilar to a Tesla Coil. Friendly vehicles are quickly repaired, while enemy vehicles take rapid, heavy damage. Inefficient teams incapable of ending Confrontation quickly will find the enemy deploying their own Leviathan, or transforming into Titans, who are capable of damaging the Cores."


External links and references[]

  1. Burnes, Andrew (Feb 21, 2009). "UT3 Titan Pack - Hands-on Coverage". PlanetUnreal. Retrieved Nov 3, 2024.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament 3 Warfare maps
Xbox 360 maps: WAR-ColdHarborWAR-Downtown_Necris
Titan Pack maps: WAR-ConfrontationWAR-Hostile
Special maps: WAR-Torlan_Leviathan
Unreal Tournament 3 Titan Pack maps
Deathmatch: DM-DarkMatchDM-EdenIncDM-KBarge (X360) • DM-Morbias (BP1) • DM-OceanRelicDM-Turbine
Capture the Flag: CTF-FacingWorlds (BP1) • CTF-LostCauseCTF-MorbidCTF-NanoblackCTF-Searchlight (BP1) • CTF-Shaft
Vehicle CTF: VCTF-Rails (X360) • VCTF-StrandedVCTF-Suspense_Necris (X360)
Warfare: WAR-ColdHarbor (X360) • WAR-ConfrontationWAR-Downtown_Necris (X360) • WAR-Hostile