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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

"Izanagi satellites only recently discovered this secretive distribution facility. Analysis of satellite images tells us that the facility is fully automated, and connected to a Liandri mining operation several levels below ground. Raw ore is transported to the surface where it's packaged and moved off for processing."
Map description

WAR-Dusk is a Warfare map from Unreal Tournament 3. It's one of the stock maps of the game.

Map description[]


Keyguide for the Default link setup by KurlonT.


Keyguide for the Free Mine link setup by KurlonT.

A map taking place in the outskirts of a Tarydium mine. Both bases are divided by a big mine in the middle, where most of the action takes place, and multiple levels can be found. Each base is also accompanied by two nodes (Tank and Manta), spawning specific vehicles (one Goliath and three Manta respectively). The map also features a set of barricades near the Tank nodes, which can be blown up with the Redeemer or the Shaped Charge.

A particular feature of the map can be found at the Mine. There are two nodes at each side of it. Holding both nodes allow the owning team to open an underground vault, allowing access to the Cicada and the Shield Belt. This feature is present in both link setups (see below).

Link Setups[]

  • [Regular]: There are two clear paths from core to core: Red Power Core -> West Tank Node -> East Manta Node -> Blue Power Core and Red Power Core -> East Tank Node -> West Manta Node -> Blue Power Core. Meanwhile, the North Mine and South Mine nodes act as Support Nodes.
  • Free Mine: The two previous paths are broken in the middle: the Tank and Manta nodes are no longer connected, instead the West Tank and East Manta are connected to the North Mine Node, and the East Tank and West Manta are connected to the South Mine Node, and both Mine Nodes are connected to each other.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: -
A: 4
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 4
A: 4
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: -
A: 2
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: -
A: 2
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 11
A: 10
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 9
A: 10
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 1
Weapon: -
W: 30
Weapon: [See below]

Weapon Lockers[]

Items Count Location
Shock RifleLink GunFlak Cannon
12 -
Shock RifleLink GunRocket Launcher
7 -
Shock RifleLink GunStinger Minigun
3 -
Shock RifleLink GunStinger MinigunRocket Launcher
12 -


Pickup Count Location
Key items
Other items

(*) Rows marked in red are required for the "Like the back of my hand" achievement.


Vehicle Count Location


Act III: The Liandri Conflict[]

"This facility is running low profile, so there's no heavy security. Izanagi expects us to walk in and pick up another Tarydium mine for their stock-holders. If we can capture all the nodes surrounding the mine entrance, we'll open the security doors, giving us access to a Cicada. The cores are vulnerable to aerial attack, so that airship would be a huge advantage."

"This facility is running low profile, so there's no heavy security. Izanagi expects us to walk in and pick up another Tarydium mine for their stock-holders. If we can capture all the nodes surrounding the mine entrance, we'll open the security doors, giving us access to a Cicada. The cores are vulnerable to aerial attack, so that airship would be a huge advantage."

"This facility is running low profile, so there's no heavy security. Izanagi expects us to walk in and pick up another Tarydium mine for their stock-holders. If we can capture all the nodes surrounding the mine entrance, we'll open the security doors, giving us access to a Cicada. The cores are vulnerable to aerial attack, so that airship would be a huge advantage."

Contrary to what the briefing and your teammates say, you can pretty well ignore the center nodes for this mission.

Reaper (At the beginning of the match): "We need access to the mine."
Jester: "The two nodes in the center should do the trick."
Reaper (After taking control of both support nodes): "Nice job, Ronin."
Othello: "Damn straight!"

In fact, you can ignore virtually every node except the East Tank Node. What you want to do is hop topside and grab your orb - as quickly as possible - and hoverboard straight over to the southwest node. As soon as that is up, use the teleporter back to your Core, grab the orb again, and quickly hoverboard out to the East Tank node (Southeast Node). Sneak in and plant the orb on the node. If you felt like being mean, you could again go back and do the same on the north, but that kind of gloating is why villains always lose. Once you've taken the east tank node, all you have to do is defend it for a moment (preferably using the laser turrets) in case anyone tries to reclaim it. If Jester claims the northeast node and you still have control of the southeast node, jump out of the turret and go get in the nearby Cicada. Fly that over to the enemy base, look down, and unload on their Core.

If that plan falls through, this can be a tricky mission. The enemy seems to want to attack with 3 and defend with 3. Since there are 6 of them, they can have 2 people on each path, while you have to choose a 2:1:1 ratio. Your bots will generally focus on the northern path, while the enemy will generally focus on the southern path. Bishop is usually the one going after the center nodes, and he will eventually succeed at this, but it's not a real substantial gain and the Cicada will probably be shot down before it can destroy either of the enemy prime nodes. Once the enemy gets a hold of a node, it's difficult to uproot them from it. They'll have 3 people attacking your core and 3 people healing the prime node. It's not pretty, and it's difficult to avoid. You can't be everywhere at once, and the enemy's superior numbers will inevitably succeed wherever you aren't. The Cicadas can help with this, allowing you to fly between the northeast\southeast prime nodes and try to keep them pinned down while your allies move in.

Still, this is an uphill battle. The early portions of the mission are very important. When a node switches teams, anyone assigned to defend it will no longer recognise it as a defensible location, and will shift their attention somewhere else. Similarly, anyone attacking the southern pass unsuccessfully will respawn at the northern pass where they will survive longer. As a result anyone from the southern pass that you uproot will naturally tend to migrate north. We cut them off at the southeast node, so the defenders default to the north node and the attackers are torn between them. Their entire army clumps itself together at the northeast node. What the plan above does is exploit their disorganisation during that transition and use it to rush their core. If you wait at the south node, they will eventually get organised and sweep through the north, likely destroying your core before you can destroy theirs. This also puts you in an uncomfortable position since leaving the southeast node to aid the northern front means losing the only node that allows you to attack the enemy core, and possibly allowing them to sweep the south too. Take their prime node before they have a chance to mobilise in the south, and then use that as a springboard to attack the enemy core while it's vulnerable.[1]

Tips and tricks[]


Easter eggs[]

Main article: Easter eggs/Unreal Tournament 3
  • The Free Mine node layout resembles the default node layout of ONS-Dawn.
  • The map has a "flyby" mode which you can go through by inputting the FlyThrough code in the console, at least in UnrealEd.


External links and references[]

  1. Annin, Matt (Apr 2, 2008). "Guide and Walkthrough (PC)". GameFAQs. Retrieved Nov 3, 2024.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament 3 Warfare maps
Xbox 360 maps: WAR-ColdHarborWAR-Downtown_Necris
Titan Pack maps: WAR-ConfrontationWAR-Hostile
Special maps: WAR-Torlan_Leviathan