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If you're looking for other uses of the word, you might want to check Serenity.

The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

"There's a small Tarydium mine buried deep in the trees of this old forest. While it's not large enough to be a major source of income for the Axon, they have been known to use it as a supply depot and refueling center for their shipping convoys."
Map description

WAR-Serenity is a Warfare map from Unreal Tournament 3. It's one of the stock maps of the game.

Map description[]


Keyguide for the Default link setup by KurlonT.

Link Setups[]

  • [Regular]: There's a straight line that goes this way: Blue Power Core -> Blue Prime Node -> Red Prime Node -> Red Power Core. In addition, there's a standalone Support Node, the Mine Node.

Weapons and pickups[]


Weapon Count Location
W: 1
A: -
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: -
A: 4
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 1
A: 2
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: -
A: 2
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 8
A: -
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 6
A: 10
Weapon: -
Ammo: -
W: 1
Weapon: -
W: 11
Weapon: [See below]

Weapon Lockers[]

Items Count Location
Shock RifleLink GunFlak Cannon
7 -
Shock RifleLink GunStinger MinigunRocket Launcher
4 -


Pickup Count Location
Key items
Other items

(*) Rows marked in red are required for the "Like the back of my hand" achievement.


Vehicle Count Location


Act II: With Caesar's Coin - Part 1[]

"With the Alluvion blocked, the Axon are trying to sneak their Leviathan super-vehicle behind our lines. That kind of firepower on our flank would *not* be pretty so we need to hit 'em quickly. Their convoy stopped near a supply depot to refuel, and it's ambush time. Our forces used dense forest cover to establish a small base and now Ronin does the real work. Don't forget the mine node. We can use it to construct our own Leviathan. That'd wake 'em up."

"With the Alluvion blocked, the Axon are trying to sneak their Leviathan super-vehicle behind our lines. That kind of firepower on our flank would *not* be pretty so we need to hit 'em quickly. Their convoy stopped near a supply depot to refuel, and it's ambush time. Our forces used dense forest cover to establish a small base and now Ronin does the real work. Don't forget the mine node. We can use it to construct our own Leviathan. That'd wake 'em up."

"With the Alluvion blocked, the Axon are trying to sneak their Leviathan super-vehicle behind our lines. That kind of firepower on our flank would *not* be pretty so we need to hit 'em quickly. Their convoy stopped near a supply depot to refuel, and it's ambush time. Our forces used dense forest cover to establish a small base and now Ronin does the real work. Don't forget the mine node. We can use it to construct our own Leviathan. That'd wake 'em up."

"With the Alluvion blocked, the Axon are trying to sneak their Leviathan super-vehicle behind our lines. That kind of firepower on our flank would *not* be pretty so we need to hit 'em quickly. Their convoy stopped near a supply depot to refuel, and it's ambush time. Our forces used dense forest cover to establish a small base and now Ronin does the real work. Don't forget the mine node. We can use it to construct our own Leviathan. That'd wake 'em up."

By going through the 2.3b.3b.1 route, the player opts to control all of Torlan Delta, preventing the majority of Krall attacks.

This one is pretty straightforward, but it introduces a new feature: Countdown Nodes. This time all of the nodes are connected in basically a straight line, and like the Torlan Delta, the center support node is not connected to any other nodes. Controlling the center node begins a 40 second countdown. When the countdown ends, a Leviathan spawns in the small canyon west of the Node for whoever completed the countdown.

Bishop: "There is that Leviathan, and now has to play there in."
Othello: "Is he serious? There's a Leviathan?!"
Reaper: "Focus on that mine to the east. We need that beast!"

The enemy, however, already has a Leviathan up and running, and they will try to claim the Mine Node early to keep it under their control.

Bishop: "May those who curse days curse that day. Those who are ready to rouse the Leviathan."
Jester: "Huh? What are you babbling about?"
Reaper: "Enemy Leviathan. Incoming!"

Mission 2.3a.2a.3 is the easiest version of Serenity. You actually outnumber the enemy, so you don't have to do much to win. Regardless, you should approach this level just like the harder versions.

Your first order of business is to take the Mine Node away from the enemy. Then you have to destroy their leviathan. Once you have done those things, you'll be able to construct your own leviathan at the mine node. From there it's just a matter of driving it into the enemy prime node and on to their core. There isn't anything terribly unique to these steps, just use the Orb and then go after the Leviathan, either with a Goliath, an AVRiL or some other kind of long-range weapon. If you position yourself properly, you can hit the back-end of the Leviathan without any fear of retribution. The bots aren't very smart about piloting it so bringing it down is a matter of time more than anything.

Bishop: "Canst thou draw out Leviathan with a hook?"
Jester: "Everybody in! This thing is unstoppable with a full crew!"
Reaper: "By the numbers people. Let's move!"

With you manning the Leviathan, your allies should be able to claim the prime nodes without a problem, and then all you have to do is push in and destroy the core.[1]

Winning either 2.3a.2b.4a.1 or 2.3b.3a.4b.1 nets the Iron Guard Reinforcements card, which gives 2 Iron Guard team members in the next mission.

Tips and tricks[]



External links and references[]

  1. Annin, Matt (Apr 2, 2008). "Guide and Walkthrough (PC)". GameFAQs. Retrieved Nov 3, 2024.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament 3 Warfare maps
Xbox 360 maps: WAR-ColdHarborWAR-Downtown_Necris
Titan Pack maps: WAR-ConfrontationWAR-Hostile
Special maps: WAR-Torlan_Leviathan