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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal Tournament 3.

The X-Ray Field is a deployable item found in Unreal Tournament 3.


The X-Ray Field comes with the Titan Pack. It can be dropped by the Axon StealthBender and is also available as pickup on some maps like DM-EdenInc.

The X-Ray Field is similar to the Stasis Field in that it slows down players inside and consumes more of its power supply while touching players or objectives. However, the X-Ray Field only affects players themselves, no vehicles or projectiles. The players are not only slowed down, but also damaged. Even inside a vehicle players will take damage, while the vehicle stays intact.



Preview notes[]

"More interesting is the X-Ray Field - a crackling black and white area-of-effect deployable. If you enter it, you'll appear to everyone as a skeleton, which lets them know you're dramatically more prone to damage. Dropped in a choke point, they can make an ambush much more effective."


External links and references[]

  1. Blyth, Jon (February 19, 2009). "Unreal Tournament 3: Titan Pack". Eurogamer. Retrieved April 11, 2019.

See also[]

Unreal Tournament 3 weapons
Impact HammerEnforcerBio RifleShock RifleLink GunStinger MinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherLongbow AVRiLSniper Rifle
Special weapons: TranslocatorInstagib Rifle
Superweapons: Redeemer
Deployables: EMP MineLink StationShaped ChargeShield GeneratorSlow Field GeneratorSpidermine TrapX-Ray Field