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The subject of this article appeared in Unreal II: The Awakening.

XMP-Rampant is a map from Unreal II: The Awakening's XMP gamemode.

Map description[]

A big map taking place inside of a cavern. Composed of a series of natural corridors with a mountain at the middle carved and turned into the central base.

  • Behind Red Base: The area behind the Blue Base.
  • Red Base: Located north of the map.
  • Red Mountain Bunker: Located northeast of the map, after the turn from the Red Back Pass.
  • Mountainside Deploy: An area located at the western-center of the map. Holds a deploy point.
  • Mountain Entrance Alpha: The eastern entrance to the mountain.
  • Mountain Entrance Beta: The western entrance to the mountain.
  • Mountain Generator: The lower level of the carved mountain, more specifically the area holding the eponymous energy generator.
  • Bunker Pass Deploy: An area located at the eastern-center of the map. Holds a deploy point in addition to the eponymous bunker.
  • PillarPoint Generator: Located some meters north of the Bunker Pass, at the east of the map, at the top of the highest peak.
  • Bunker Overlook Generator: Opposite to the Bunker Pass, located at the west of the map, in the highest peak.
  • Blue Collapsed Hallway: A "deadend" corridor of sorts starting in the Blue Base, located southeast of the map, and ending right atop of the Bunker Pass Deploy area.
  • Blue Mountain Bunker: Located southwest of the map, after the Blue Side Underpass.
  • Blue Side Underpass: A rock pass serving as a tunnel, located southwest of the map.
  • Blue Right Passage: Located west of the frontal entrance.
  • Blue Central Entrace: The frontal entrance to the Blue Base.
  • Blue Left Passage: Located east of the frontal entrance.
  • Blue Base: Located south of the map.
    • Blue Raptor Garage: A garage located southwest of the Blue Base, inside of the base. Leads to the Underpass.
    • Blue Raptor Passage: An inner corridor located at the west of the base connecting the Raptor Garage with the Artifact Node Room and a passage leading to the exterior. Leads into a Blue Side Passage.
    • Blue Artifact Node: The central room holding the Artifact Node.
    • Blue Harbinger Passage: An inner corridor located at the east of the base connecting the Harbinger Garage with the Artifact Room and a passage leading to Left Passage. Leads into a Blue Side Passage.
    • Blue Harbinger Garage: A garage located southeast of the Blue Base, inside of the base. Leads to the corridor towards the Collapsed Hallway.
    • Blue Top Entrance: Located at the rooftop of the Blue Base, east of the upper frontal entrance.
    • Blue Tower: The very upper point of the base.
    • Blue Forward Deploy: Located at the north of the base, above the frontal entrance, it's a sniper bunker.
    • Blue Rear Deploy: Located at the south of the base, it's a corridor.
  • Behind Blue Base: The area behind the Blue Base.


Pickup Count Location

Tips and tricks[]



External links and references[]

See also[]

Unreal II: The Awakening eXpanded MultiPlayer (XMP) maps